CHECK IT OUT: Give the gift of reading — it costs just a book

Won't you please give to our “Gift of Reading” program? We collect new or slightly used books and give them to children in the Okaloosa Head Start Program.

Already, we have received a considerable donation from Microsoft, which pledged a generous gift to sponsor the Crestview Public Library campaign.

Microsoft— which matches employees' charitable payroll pledges— employs aCrestview High School alumnus, whose donation will help the library present outreach programs and purchase new books for local Head Start programs.

We have ordered new books for children through age 5 who attend Edney, Bay and Laurel Hill Head Start and preschool classes.

Still, every little bit helps! Stop by the library, 1445 Commerce Drive, behind the Crestview post office, if you would like to donate.

Jean Lewis is the Crestview Public Library's director.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHECK IT OUT: Give the gift of reading — it costs just a book