Residents support Crestview pregnancy center with 5K Run

Left: Participants finish the Pregnancy Center's 5K Run on Saturday at Old Spanish Trail Park. All event proceeds went to the Crestview Pregnancy center, which provides education and materials for mothers. 
Right: Kristen Pittner, 8, displays her certificate and medal after finishing first in the kids’ fun run portion of the Pregnancy Center's 5K Run on Saturday at Old Spanish Trail Park.

CRESTVIEW — The Pregnancy Center received support for its mission — helping women with unplanned pregnancies — on Saturday during its annual 5K run.

Staffers just don’t know how much support they received.

Proceeds — which event organizers were still counting at press time — will benefit the center that provides free education and essentials, such as baby clothes and blankets, for its clients.

"This is our biggest fundraiser of the year," said volunteer Gayle Spears. "We are totally supported by churches, businesses, organizations and individual contributions."

The event — sponsored by the Mosaic Church, Emmanuel Baptist Church and Crossway Community Church — kicked off at 8:30 a.m., and runners of all ages.

Jerry Wayer, 45, used the event to help get in shape for a future marathon.

"I used to run track in high school, but as I have gotten older, I've kind of gotten out of it," he said. "You always feel good when you finish a race … you feel a sense of accomplishment."

Baker resident Liberty Sites, 15, said she was pleased with her performance.

"I think I did pretty good. I ran the first three quarters of a mile, which is pretty good for me," she said.

Liberty said she annually participates in two 5K events.

The event also had a kids’ fun run, in which 8-year-old Kristen Pittner finished first.

"It feels good; I’ve never been first place in a real race before," she said.  

Nearly 200 people registered for the event, Pregnancy Center director Sue Carrigan said.

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Residents support Crestview pregnancy center with 5K Run