Dogwood Garden Club hosts Christmas auction

Dogwood Garden Club members are pictured during their annual Christmas auction. From left are Ruth Herington, president; Judy Rice; Celia Broadhead, treasurer; Beach Campbell; Thelma Smith, Posey Pal chair; Janice Crose, chaplain; Mary Jo Thomas; Pam Callahan, first vice president; and Sarah Petty, Wings & Things chair. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS BULLETIN]

CRESTVIEW — Dogwood Garden Club members recently held their annual Christmas auction at the Crestview GFWC Woman's Club building.

Members donated homemade candies, baked goods, holiday crafts, plants and gifts, among other items, for the event.

"This is our only fundraiser for the year and the bidding does get competitive, but all in good fun," Dogwood's first vice president, Pam Callahan, said. Guests also participated in the auction held at the Woodlawn Drive building.

Celia Broadhead will present "Seeds on Ice" during the club's next meeting, which is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Jan. 8 in a member's home. 

Call Ruth Herington, 683-0839, for the meeting location.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Dogwood Garden Club hosts Christmas auction