Dogwood Garden Club in Crestview seeks new members

Dogwood Garden Club President Celia Broadhead and Master Gardener Ruth Herington prepare to plant flowers at Northwood Elementary School.

CRESTVIEW — Dogwood Garden Club members, who are beautifying local public areas this autumn, seek new members to join the fun.

Tuesday morning, club members worked at Northwood Elementary School and Garden Park. The park, at the foot of Main Street, is one of the club's major projects.

At Northwood, club members planted fall bedding flowers for students to maintain. In the park, the women weeded and planted fall flowers.

Club member Thea Duhaime, who coordinates the Garden Park project, worked with city Public Works crews to have tables and benches pressure washed, and to remove a dead tree and old, scraggly plants.

"They got everything on my list done," Duhaime said. "I am so appreciative of (assistant director) Carlos Jones and (facility maintenance foreman) Kenny Martin for the work they had done."

A goal is to design new plantings for around the park's fountain now that overgrown plants are gone, Duhaime said.

Member Ruth Herington — who is also a Master Gardener — said although she has been in the area for several years, she still is not used to Northwest Florida's fall planting season.

"That's hard for those of us from up north to understand," she said. "We always planted in the spring."

The Dogwood Garden Club welcomes new members, Club President Celia Broadhead said.

The club is open to anyone with minimal gardening skills, member Sarah Petty said.

"We're not like the Master Gardeners where you have to go to school," Herington said. "We're just a happy group. We welcome everyone."


The Crestview Dogwood Garden Club meets at 7 p.m. the first Monday each month. Call Ruth Herington, 683-0839, or Thea Duhaime, 682-3629, for location and information.

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Dogwood Garden Club in Crestview seeks new members