Gymnastics school donates $850 to middle school cheerleaders

Front row: Gaby Cullum, Allyson Windham, Makinna Flowers, Mya Thomas, Avery Karlesky, Olivia Flanagan, Amaiya Murry and Nataleigh McKay. Middle row: Peija Shay, Kailey Luckett, Madyson Jordan, Makensie Griffin, Angelica Dixon, Anastasia Lee, Kassie Blankenship, Christa Faegin and Hayleigh McMillian. Standing: Staci Robinson, Carson Martello, Valerie Polonco, Carlee Fortner, Savanna Ward, Emily Grace Robinson, Coach Jennifer King, Brittney Reed, Hayleigh Flowers, Hannah Hancock, Anna Adams and Jennifer Robinson.

CRESTVIEW — Shoal River Middle School’s cheerleading squad has $850 more for team development following a recent donation.

Jennifer King, manager of Crestview’s U.S. Gold Gymnastics and Cheerleading, presented the check Thursday before tryouts for next year's squad.

The money will help purchase uniforms and other supplies. Funding also will benefit a July cheerleading camp at Louisiana State University.   

U.S. Gold had several cheerleading clinics over the past year aimed at helping the girls with tumbling and forms.

"Every single one of these girls are my girls; I take claim for every one of them," King said. "They worked so hard for me that it’s impossible for them to not get better."

Staci Robinson, who volunteers with the school's cheerleading squad, said King and U.S. Gold’s efforts have positively affected the program.

"She works them so hard and she is so disciplined, yet they love her to death and they will do anything to make her happy," Robinson said. "She is so experienced and knowledgeable in the many different forms."

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Gymnastics school donates $850 to middle school cheerleaders