Crestview physical therapist seeks end to Medicare outpatient caps

Flanking Congressman Jeff Miller, from left, is Linda Eargle, Crestview physical therapist Ruth Jenkins and Veronika Khrakovshaya. They went to Washington with the American Physical Therapy Association to speak out on Medicare Part B caps.

CRESTVIEW — Ruth Jenkins, a Crestview physical therapist, along with the American Physical Therapy Association, recently lobbied to repeal a Medicare cap on physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology services.

The group also met with Sens. Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson's healthcare legislative assistants.

Congress in 2006 passed legislation that limited outaptient services available for Medicare Part B beneficiaries.

Current limits are $1,900 for occupational therapy and $1,900 for physical and speech services.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview physical therapist seeks end to Medicare outpatient caps