LAUREL HILL — A high school senior has one less thing to worry about as college approaches.
John Cunningham, 18, said the city’s $1,000 scholarship — awarded last week to him — can help with some of his expected bills.
"It’s going to cost a lot,” Cunningham said of higher education. “I already have a Take Stock in Children scholarship, which is a four-year scholarship … it basically covers tuition."
Laurel Hill’s scholarship will help offset the costs of books and gas while he attends classes at Northwest Florida State College’s Niceville campus.
Cunningham has accumulated 28 college credit hours through dual enrollment while maintaining a 3.5 grade point average at the school.
The City Council awarded the scholarship May 2 after reviewing the top three candidates suggested by a committee comprising Mayor Robby Adams, City Clerk Anita Miller, resident Harold Jones and Laurel Hill school guidance counselor Carla Strickland.
Cunningham plans to continue his education at Florida A&M University’s Crestview pharmacy school.
He said conversations with licensed pharmacist Richard Moulton of Moulton's Pharmacy inspired his career path. Moulton occasionally stops by Farm World LLC, where Cunningham works part-time after school.
"He's been an inspiration to me," Cunningham said. "He really enjoys what he does, and I think I would, too."
Marie Davis, the farm feed and supply store’s manager, said Cunningham is a worthy scholarship recipient.
"If there is anyone that deserves the scholarship, it’s him," Davis said. "He is an excellent worker and he is devoted to his education.
"He is bound and determined to make something of himself. You don't see too many young people like that."
Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill School student receives $1,000 scholarship