LETTER: Floyd whistleblowers deserve the public’s honor, not scorn

Dear editor,

Convicted felon and former Crestview PD Maj. Joey Floyd chuckled with great delight in his jail cell Friday morning, when he learned that his whistleblowers were told that their services were no longer needed by the city of Crestview. 

Yes, sweet revenge for Joey Floyd — and he never even had to lift a finger to get it. Yet, oddly enough, others involved in the Floyd case still remain paid employees at the police department and in city government — some who were even loyal to Joey Floyd up to his final demise. 

Ironically, these officers — whistleblowers — were courageous enough to man up and admit they falsified documents — of course, while under threats and intimidation by Joey Floyd — during Floyd’s trial, and even admitted to it years prior.

Without them going to the State’s Attorney’s Office and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Joey Floyd would still be actively racketeering, terrorizing his subordinate officers and the citizens of Crestview. 

Instead of these courageous officers being fired, they should be brought before the city of Crestview, awarded medals and deemed heroes! By reporting Joey Floyd to the authorities, they probably saved the city of Crestview countless millions in future lawsuits, and might have even ultimately saved someone’s life.

But instead, they have lost their jobs and their livelihoods — for nothing more than doing the right thing.

One could also question whether these officers were targeted only because, through their admissions, they appear helpless to any recourse. Yet those who remain, who did not admit to any wrongdoing, could potentially bring lawsuits against the city if suspended or fired, so their jobs are secure. 

I hope the citizens of Crestview see what an injustice has been done to the courageous officers who went forward and reported the atrocities of Joey Floyd to the appropriate authorities.

In Saturday’s Crestview News Bulletin, they have been made out to be common criminals, yet they haven’t been charged with any crimes. 

I believe they deserve much, much better.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Floyd whistleblowers deserve the public’s honor, not scorn