NOFD: New fire hydrants could save homeowners money

North Okaloosa Fire District and Auburn Water System representatives flank a newly installed fire hydrant on the corner of Reinke Drive and Hunter Drive outside Crestview city limits. From the left are NOFD Deputy Fire Chief Danny Worrells and Fire Chief Ed Cutler, Ron Norville and Patrick Adamson of Auburn Water Systems, NOFD Commissioners Dan Bowers Jr. and Craig Shaw, and Justin Cox, of Auburn Water System.

CRESTVIEW — North Okaloosa Fire District and Auburn Water System representatives want north Crestview homeowners to know that newly installed fire hydrants could lead to lower insurance premiums.

Homeowners living within 1,000 feet of the hydrants annually could save $1,200 on insurance costs, NOFD Chairman Craig Shaw said.

The NOFD annually uses $10,000 from its fiscal budget to provide five new fire hydrants.

"In our charter, it specifically says one of our responsibilities is to provide fire hydrants," Shaw said.

Auburn Water System officials work with the NOFD to find locations with high population density. The water company also provides labor for installing the hydrants.

The NOFD is providing a vital community service, Richard Laux, Auburn Water's operations manager, said.

"The more (population) grows, the more the need grows," he said.

The need is to save lives and property, NOFD Chief Ed Cutler said.

"Providing emergency water for fire — that's the objective," he said. "The objective of putting the hydrants in is to benefit the most people."

More details:

If you are a homeowner living within 1,000 feet of these fire hydrant locations, North Okaloosa Fire District and Auburn Water System officials suggest contacting your homeowner's insurance provider about potential savings. Locations are as follows:

The corners of: Auburn Road and Hayes Drive; Reinke Drive and Hunter Drive; Auburn Road and Tansey Lane; Bill Lundy Road and Josey Road; Grandview Drive and Wheeler Place; Grandview Drive and Oakcrest Drive; and Phil Tyner Road and Pointer Road, or the north end of Aurora Drive.

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: NOFD: New fire hydrants could save homeowners money