LETTER: Unsatisfied with local foster family services (VIDEO)

Editor's Note: This resident uses a pseudonym due to the situation's sensitivity.

Regarding your article informing people of FamiliesFirst Network needing people to take care of foster children:

Let your readers know that this is not an easy process.

It is very hard to become certified in the first place. 

—Below: Watch "Editor's Notes" to learn more about this letter—

Once you do become certified, there are a number of things that could happen to you and your family that FFN and Department of Children and Families do not tell you about. 

I have been in the military for over 10 years, and my wife and I already have four amazing kids. We wanted to adopt but saw the need to take care of foster children.

We were accused and found guilty of neglect and abuse by DCF after five months of taking care of two wonderful children. We have no problem with investigations being conducted for the children's safety and wellbeing; however, we believe this investigation was biased and not conducted in any sort of professional manner so as to ascertain if any abuse actually took place.

We are not the first family to be wrongly accused of abuse. And because of this, six families at our church will now not become foster parents.

I say that to say this: If you want to foster, do your homework, and have $10,000 in the bank for your lawyer's fees.

Be prepared to not be able to foster or adopt because someone somewhere said your kid might be abused.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Unsatisfied with local foster family services (VIDEO)