CAMPUS KUDOS: NWF State College presents student awards

NICEVILLE — Northwest Florida State College recently held its annual Student Awards Day. Those recognized for student achievement for the 2013-2014 academic year include the following North Okaloosa students:

•2013-2014 All Florida Academic Team: Joshua Griffitts of Holt

•2014 William T. Hall Pacesetter Award 2014: Adrian Smith of Baker.

•Early Childhood Education Honors Student: Sharon Harris-Davis of Crestview

•Outstanding Achievement in Cinema Appreciation: Amanda Holland of Crestview

•Outstanding Achievement in Madrigal Singers: Elise Jenkins of Crestview

•Outstanding Achievement in Theatre Performance: Naomi Campagne of Crestview

•Outstanding Achievement in Visual Arts: Bettye Keefer of Crestview

•Outstanding Achievement in Jazz Ensemble: Derick Masters and Jared Porrata of Crestview; Kyle Polhlopek of Baker

•Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Ross Hamilton Participation Award: Ryan Bullard of Crestview

•RaiderRep WOW Award: Joshua Griffitts of Holt.

•Rookie RaiderRep of the Year: Alexander Andrews of Crestview

•Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Ross Hamilton Participation Award: Ryan Bullard of Crestview

•Teacher Education Honor Student: Rebekah Marrero of Crestview

•Terri Lynne Lokoff/Children's Tylenol National Child Care Teacher Award: Sabine Claybrook of Crestview

•Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges: Rachel Kristina Thames, Baker; Brandy Barger, Sabine Claybrook, Jessica Lynn Eynon, Sharon Harris-Davis, Kaili Johnson, Becky Moschino, Hannah Ott, Kayla Cheung, Rebecca Henry, Brian Warson, and Robin Whited, Crestview; Joshua Griffitts, Holt; and Hannah Day and Tracy Lynn Sowers, Laurel Hill

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CAMPUS KUDOS: NWF State College presents student awards