HUBBUB: Discharging 'ridiculous'; racism in 2014?

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.

Discharging 'outrageous'

We also got discharged last year from our pediatrician because we went to a psychiatrist for my son's Asperger symptoms. The doctor told us right in front of my son that Medicaid doesn't pay well for all those disabled kids. I thought that was outrageous but could not do anything about it other than find another doctor.

Miriam E. Lavandier

Not fair to kids

I have heard several doctors say it bluntly. That Medicaid will not even cover half of what the doctor charges. Not fair to the children.

Tracy Spencer

Look to Hippocratic oath

This sounds like a physician more concerned with his or her own ego and not the well-being of the patient.

The Hippocratic oath contains this phrase: "I will not be ashamed to say 'I know not,' nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery."

Therefore, there should be no problem with a second opinion.

Bvoter Jones

Some doctors suffer from pride

The same thing happened to us when our oldest was about 4 years old. We were repeatedly told every problem she presented with was allergies. She would get covered in spots and the pediatrician repeatedly called it contact dermatitis.

We took her to a dermatologist, not another pediatrician, for a second opinion. That doctor confirmed she was being bitten by something. Within a couple of weeks, we were sent a letter stating that we had been discharged from that pediatrician's practice.

Second opinions should be encouraged by health professionals so patients can make … educated decisions regarding their own health! Some doctors continue to suffer from pride and a god complex.

Sarah Bell

Parents live with doctors' mistakes

Second opinions make for a better team view for the well-being of the child and the parent. For the pediatrician to remove the client from patient care due to this reason, I believe that the pediatrician has more to hide. I may be wrong; however, it's my child you're touching, treating, and any mistakes you make, I have to live with, day in and day out.

Bonny Moxcey Crews

This shouldn't be an issue

Weren't these patients originally accepted as Medicaid recipients? Not all doctors are Medicaid providers, but for those who are, this should not be a consideration later, in my opinion.

Raymonda Schwartz

Consider other factors

As far as how Medicaid insurance is perceived, I don't believe it has anything to do with paperwork or less payout from insurance companies.

I think it's due to how Medicaid tries to regulate how the doctors treat the patients and it seriously ties their hands as to how much freedoms they have within their own practice.

Not to mention, many insurance companies have limited (which) doctors they will cover and, nine times out of 10, if that doctor doesn't belong to a hospital and is regulated by that hospital's rules and regulations — which means limited control of their own practice — then they don't get paid for the treatment of those patients, forcing them to drop certain insurance companies.

I have a feeling that with some of these stories, the whole picture may not be understood. You should first consider how these new insurance policies regulated by the government has affected the medical sectors, which is now trickling down to you the patient.

Melissa Kennedy-Shaffer

Doc's decision 'unprofessional'

I feel (terrible) for this mother. As a nurse, I feel this is completely unprofessional of this practice. With a newborn, the last thing this mother needs is stress over having the little one taken care of. This practice showed (the doctor's) true colors to this mother and she should move on!

Tara Conte

Doctors can make mistakes

I remember a time when doctors recommended second opinions to ease the family and basically prove they were right. Doctors do make mistakes, contrary to what some of them think.

Kellie Coe Vest

It's not just Medicaid patients

Gone are the days (when) patients could pick and choose doctors and hire and fire or get a second opinion. Nowadays, the doctor gets to pick and choose the patients he/she wants to see.

Totally wrong!

We are the patients, we pay the monthly premiums, deductibles, co-payments, etc. We should be able to see who we want to see!

Instead, for $1,500 a month, we get a few quality providers or none at all in the area!

Kristie Feliu Rosario

Could have been worse

Honestly, she is fortunate that is the worst that happened. There have been many recent cases of children being put into state custody after parents sought a second opinion. It's infuriating.

Janette Howard

If this doctor is not comfortable with having a second opinion, then they are saying that only their opinion counts. Any GOOD doctor would welcome a confirmed opinion. Get another doctor.

Angela Fincham Donnelly

It would be nice to know what clinic would treat patients this way…especially since I am currently looking for a new doctor for my kids and I would really like to know who to avoid…

Dawn Klein Weaver

Let racism card fall on results

The one that can actually resurrect Laurel Hill will certainly have a huge challenge in front of them. Let's see if Ms. Bradberry has what it takes and give her the chance, if she can do anything at all.

Let the racism card fall on her results of her toils. If she fails, her argument is invalid.

Dave Simmet

Racism in 2014?

Please, why does everything have to be a black or white thing? Wake up, people; this is 2014, not (the) 1900s.

Melissa Simmons

Not everything is a conspiracy

It's not a speed trap; the (Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office) and (Florida Highway Patrol) have been patrolling that area for years.

I've been driving the Milligan way every morning and every evening, Monday through Friday, to work, and I would guess about 85 percent of the time law enforcement is either in the median, across from the Milligan store, by the church, or on that clay road.

I've never had a problem, but again, I pay attention and follow the law. It's not that hard and, if you get a ticket, you deserve it. I saw a worker almost get hit last week because of cell phone use.

Get a grip, people. Not everything is a conspiracy!

Krissy Leslie

City employees need raises

As a minimum, workers should receive annual cost of living increases. Without that, they're actually being paid less each year.

Don Holloway

About littering in Twin Hills Park

I'm there every morning, so stop feeding the non-indigenous birds on the sidewalk … that's also littering.

Jon Bell

Parents, kids need to talk

We all as parents need to talk with our children about predators and be completely open and honest about what will happen if they get a hold of them.

It's sad we have to start at such young ages but if they know what to expect when these (people) try to persuade or trick them or get them alone, then they have a better chance at reacting and trying to get themselves out of there and to a safe place where they can't be harmed and of course tell.

These people work best in plain sight. They hit where no one would think their children are not safe, like school for instance.

Melissa Kennedy-Shaffer

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Discharging 'ridiculous'; racism in 2014?