Okaloosa County budget talks continue

Funding for widespread storm water repairs have dominated Okaloosa County's 2014-15 budget deliberations.

Commissioners on Tuesday held their third budget review, discussing a number of issues and hearing from a variety of departments.

To generate funding dedicated solely to storm water improvements, county administrator Ernie Padgett proposed a slight increase to taxes levied on residents living in unincorporated Okaloosa. This Municipal Services Taxes Unit is set up to fund parks, but a portion can be used for storm water. He proposed increasing the current .18 mills to .2718 mills to generate $602,646 or to .2990 mills to generate $781,207.

The board agreed to set the county’s tentative millage at its next budget review at 6 p.m. Monday in Crestview.

Commissioners have not discussed plans to raise property taxes, and Padgett has not recommended an increase. The current property tax rate is 3.4308 mills. After the board sets the tentative millage for the 2014-15 fiscal year, it can be decreased but not increased.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Okaloosa County budget talks continue