LETTER: Research charities before donating

Dear editor,

You wrote a very thoughtful editorial concerning the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. We have all been involved with fundraising in one way or another, either through schools, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, United Way or for local, national, international, religious, social or environmental causes.

But I agree with you: the ALS challenge has taken on a life of its own. Unfortunately, more than wanting to contribute directly to the cause, we have a need to be part of the visual culture and to be famous in our own minds, fulfilling Andy Warhol's prophecy for everyone to be famous for 15 minutes.

I have contributed to some causes, such as Comic Relief, just so that I could get the cool T-shirt. But I never lost sight for the real reason and my commitment for those charities I support on a regular basis.

I congratulate the ALS Foundation in the fundraising event. But please, everyone, remember they serve a very small percentage of those in need.

The USA has always led the rest of the world in donations nationally and internationally, per capita. We recognize that we are a very wealthy and blessed nation.

Do your research when making your contributions. But do give.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Research charities before donating