Race for Lace cystic fibrosis fundraiser kickoff is Aug. 25 in Crestview

CRESTVIEW — Last year Race for Lace organizers raised $75,000 and hosted activities for 2,000 people attending the cystic fibrosis cure fundraiser. Their goal this year is $75,000 again. A dinner party to kick off the event is planned 6:30 p.m. Aug. 25 at the Wild Olive restaurant, 797 N. Pearl St., Crestview.

Attendees will get race and sponsorship information, get team details and more.

To RSVP your attendance, email raceforlace@gmail.com. You may also email or text Laurie Hutchison at  lhutch1@cox.net or 582-4738.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Race for Lace cystic fibrosis fundraiser kickoff is Aug. 25 in Crestview