Baker School — Laura Tipton’s class


Dear Santa, I want a American girl doll and cookiy dough candy. How do you get the reindeer to fly? How is Mrs. Claus doing? What is your favorite cookies? Do you love egg nog or milk with your cookies? How are the elves doing?

Love, Kim W.

Dear Santa, I ben good. I will leve cookes and milk. I want a new puppy and kittes and a pet hen.

From, Iva S.

Dear Santa, How do you git around in the night? How is the elves doing? Merry Crismax, Santa. I want a Nraf gun. It is named oana strike oana strike.

By, Gunner W.

Dear Santa, Am I on the naughtey or nice list and how are you fylen after gving all thows presents to people? Can I have a elf on a shelf and can I plys have a Space rocks book and a Wimpy Kid the getaway book and football superstars 2017, Bears book, Lego Ningaca movie, and mine craft build halday spirit book.

From, Adrian C.

Dear Santa, I bet you are getting all of the children presents in the sack. Speaking of sack how do you fit all those presents in the sack? I want all of the new Lego ninja go mine figures and I want ghost coal of season 5 and I want Lloyd season 5 and Zane season 5.

From, Wyatt F.

Dear Santa, What cookis do you like? For Chistmas I want a DS, ipad, phon, compoter, sorry, power wheel car, I phon, balloons, Lego ninjogo sets, and a makrphon. Can you make it snow?

From, Ashton R.

Dear Santa, Are you feeling good? And Merry Christmas and am I on the naughty or nice list? And can I have a phone and can I have a flip bar and can I have a medium car and a trapoline?

Love, Lorelai H.

Dear Santa, You are awesome. How tall are your elves? But wut I wont for Christmas is a drone.

Luke C.

Dear Santa, Am I on the naughty or nice list? What is your favorite cookie? How do you do magic? How are your elves? Merry Christmas! The most things I want is a Nintendo switch and a blue computer.

From, Bentley J.

Dear Santa, You are awesome. Do you lik almond milk? Yes or no Have I been naughty? Ill leave your cookies and milk on the counter. Can I please have an I phone 8 please and a elf on the shelf please.

From, Devon F.

Dear Santa, Am I on the nice list or the naughty list? Do you like warm milk or cold milk? How do you make your sleigh fly and your reindeer? How is Rudolph? Are the elves tired from all the work? I want a small drone.

From, Dmitry P.

Dear Santa, Nice or naughty? How is mrs. claus? How do you carry all of those presents! I want a phone! I want a cool maker!

Love, Liz K.

Dear Santa, You are awesome! Am I on the naughty or nice list? What kind of cookies do you like? I want a karaoke machine please.

From, Victori B.

Dear Santa, How do you to around the world? How does your sleigh fly? What is your favrit cookies? Why is Rudolph lead the sleigh? You are the best Santa. Merry Christmas. And I want a land searsea.

Love, Austin B.

Dear Santa, How loge do you sleep? Are your reindeers doing good? Are the elves? Do you want triple chocolate chip cookies? Merry Christmas. What is your favorite color? How old are you? I don’t care what I get.

Taysean M.

Dear Santa, Can I please have a PS4 Nintendo switch, a pizza, a I pod, a pacman stuffed animal, a 100 dollar gift card, a remote control car and that it.

Camden T.

Dear Santa, How big is your sleigh? How many elf do you have? How is Mrs. Claus? Can please have a bike?

Drayden R.

Dear Santa, Can I please have a little dirt bike, reindeer, gingerbread cookies, carrots, sugar Nintendo chocolate cupcakes. Can I please have a 100,0000000. Can I please have a school?

Silas J.

Dear Santa, Can I please have gingerbread man, a Nintendo switch, a Santa bolbal head, a monster truck, a thermometer, a underarmor hat, a go gators shirt, a little planet 3 for a PS4 please. Have a fun day sending the gifts.

Kruz O.

Dear Santa, Can I have a toy monster truck and a nerf gun please? I will give you a present. By the way you are terrific.

Love you forever, Jacob B.

Dear Santa, I will set the cookies on the table and may I please have a beebee gun?

Matthew C.

Dear Santa, I will bake you some cookies and I will pour you some milk and can I please have a teddy bear for Christmas and I have a surprise for you. I am going to feed goats on a barn for Santa.

Megan C.

Dear Santa, I will leave fancey cookies on the corner tadle with milk. Do you like chocolate milk Yes or no I hope you have a nice Merry Christmas and your reindeer will maybe have carrots or magic dust.

From, Kaylee H.

Dear Santa, Do you like chocolate chip or sugar cookie? I hope Mrs. Claus is okay. This Christmas I am so excited! I have a lot of Santa things at my house. I hope you like my Christmas tree, it has lots of orniments. Most of them are you!

Love, Madison M.

Dear Santa, Give me a dog, a Nintendo switch, a elf, APS5, a IPhone 10, a nerf center, a airsatuzi, a tv, a million dollers, a airsoft scar, a nerf Vulcan. Feliz Navidad. Thank you very very much.

Landen M.

Dear Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, Thank you for everything you gave to us last year and can you please get me a pony and a unicorn and a very, very, very, very, very cut kittens for Christmas please. Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas.

From, Jozi G.

Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Hope you have a terrific Christmas and hope you are rest for Christmas. Oh and just in case you didn’t no the gingerbread are gunu be on the table so back to where I was saying. So how are you and how is Blitzen and Rudolph?

Love, Isabella O.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Baker School — Laura Tipton’s class