Helt won’t seek re-election to Crestview City Council

CRESTVIEW — Group 1 at-large Crestview City Councilwoman Robyn Helt says she will not seek re-election in the spring.

Helt said she had been “wrestling with” the decision, which came down to family health concerns.

“I was on the fence for awhile,” Helt said. “I’ve been a little disappointed in the turn our council has taken over the last few months. I didn’t want to leave the citizens without a fiscal watchdog on deck.”

Helt has a reputation for demanding fiscal accountability in city government and resisting efforts to spend unbudgeted money. She also champions making government more efficient and accessible to residents.

Despite leaving the council, Helt said she would remain an active observer and citizen participant in city government and will speak up when it's necessary.

“I have enjoyed the job and I have enjoyed doing what the citizens have put me in office to do, and I’ll certainly still be active in the community and staying on top of issues that affect me as a business owner and a citizen,” she said.

 “I’m not going anywhere, but I just have to shift my focus for a little bit."

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Helt won’t seek re-election to Crestview City Council