Tax hike for some Okaloosa property owners

FORT WALTON BEACH — Okaloosa County commissioners' unanimously approved 2014-15 budget includes an increase for unincorporated residents.

The $310 million spending plan increases the Municipal Services Taxing Unit, or MSTU, from .1800 to .2990 mills. The increased taxes will generate an additional $800,000 for storm water repairs across the county.

For a property valued at $150,000, the tax increase will mean an additional $1.49 per month and an additional $17.85 per year. For a property valued at $100,000, the increase will mean an additional 99 cents a month and an additional $11.90 a year.

County Administrator Ernie Padgett said the additional revenue will allow the county “to start playing catch-up on its much needed backlog of storm water projects.”

The 2014-15 budget keeps the county-wide property tax rate steady at 3.4308 mills and provides all county employees with a $500 raise.

The budget also provides Sheriff Larry Ashley with a one-time increase of $500,000 to cover equipment needs that would have otherwise gone unfunded.

The board and the Sheriff’s Office agreed to dip into $1.4 million fund set aside to cover the cost of paying OCSO employees who have money owed them when they leave the county.

The county will take about $825,000 out of the fund, giving $500,000 to the Sheriff’s Office and placing the remaining $325,000 into reserves.

Commissioner Don Amunds voted against the millage increase but for the overall budget.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Tax hike for some Okaloosa property owners