Lack of seating, amenities concern Countryview Park users

The lone picnic table in Countryview Park's pavilion offers the park's only benches. City officials vow to improve conditions in the park, which is the city’s largest.

CRESTVIEW — Countryview Park, the city’s largest, will receive a modest upgrade following patrons’ complaints.

Just one picnic table in a pavilion built to accommodate four tables provides “literally the only place to sit down in this park. There's no park benches,” Countryview Estates resident Bill Cox said during Monday's city council meeting.

“There are two practice ball diamonds without even a rudimentary player bench,” he said. “There's no water fountain.”

The water fountain, which once stood where a children’s play station is now, was vandalized and replaced many times until officials gave up replacing it, assistant Public Works director Carlos Jones said.

“We're not really using (the park) for anything. It's just kind of there,” Councilwoman Robyn Helt said. “To have it just kind of there with no particular plan to improve it or make it useful for our citizens is shameful.”

Public Works staffers are checking city inventories for equipment such as picnic tables and park benches to enhance Countryview Park. They will also consider barbecue grills and investigate a more vandal-resistant drinking fountain, Jones said.

Mayor David Cadle told the council that Okaloosa Youth Academy's woodworking program could build picnic tables for just the cost of lumber.

“That park could be a great asset to our community and it serves one of the highly developed parts of our city,” Helt said.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Lack of seating, amenities concern Countryview Park users