SPECIAL OCCASION: Baker couple celebrates 60 years of marriage

Carlis and Foye Jackson of Baker — married May 15, 1954 in Crestview — will celebrate their anniversary with family by taking a Caribbean cruise.

Carlis and Foye Jackson, lifelong Baker residents, are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

The couple were married May 15, 1954 by the justice of the peace in Crestview.

Carlis and Foye have two daughters, Myra Ricketts (and son-in-law Steven) of Austin, Texas, and Janet Jackson of Destin; and an “adopted” son, Mike Golles of Crestview.

They also have two grandsons, Logan Ricketts and A.J. Ricketts, both of Austin; great-grandsons, Josh, Aiden, Brodie, Trip and Elliot; and countless other family and friends.

The News Bulletin publishes north Okaloosa County residents' “Special Occasions”— birth, centenarian, engagement, wedding and anniversary announcements— at no charge. We may edit submissions for length and style.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: SPECIAL OCCASION: Baker couple celebrates 60 years of marriage