HUBBUB: Title IX column resonates, how is a raise possible?

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


What is a hero's life worth?

Our first responders, police and firefighters' salaries should be commensurate with their duties. A starting salary of $40,000, with cost of living raises yearly, would be more in line with the type of responsibilities they shoulder. What is a life worth?

That is what these everyday heroes do: they put their lives on the line for us, the citizens.

Johna Esterberg


Farming out police officers

We basically have a PD farm team. Bring them in, train them and they go to bigger teams with bigger pay. Paying a cop $28,000 a year is way too low for a first responder.

Ray Nelson


How is a raise possible?

An 8 percent raise? How is that possible when they are fundraising for the acquisition of police dogs?

Jon Bell


Pondering mixed-use zoning

Things are looking good downtown, but the housing issue should not be on the table. There is no new business development — and that is the building block of a city!

It will bring jobs, tax revenue, help to make downtown look like something that you want to get out in! … Fort Walton is smoking us in shopping, dining and business growth.

Business (first).

The rest will come! Think Uptown Station style!

Scott Howard


Title IX column resonates

Thank you for this article. My son has been the victim of Title IX and it has affected his eighth-grade year at DMS. Very sad, especially since girls are free to join football. 30 kids just seems too few for football.

Erica K Bottom


Noticing some school bus drivers speeding

Coming home from work, I go across the island. I do 55 (mph) every day and see high-school drivers going 70 and 80, but when (a bus) passed me also doing 70-plus, I thought, 'Why doesn't the sheriff's office monitor the speed across the island when school is let out?'

Have made the same commute for 10 years and the buses have always (gone) way too fast.

Scott Braden


No results after reporting speeding bus

I have complained at least 12 times about the same bus going about 25 mph on my 15 mph street, to no avail.

Tina Louise


Why do businesses fail?

Sometimes, I really wonder … Does the business fail due to the business itself? Or because too many people making too many rules and regulations makes it impossible for a business to survive?

John Luberto


Distinguishing between cigarettes, e-cigarettes

Cigarettes contain acetone. Vapors have chemicals that are found in antifreeze. No matter what, they are all bad for you. I don't think (the e-cigarette) is a safe alternative to smoking. Not enough studies have been done to find out what all is used but I am pretty sure it will be bad.

Scott Zamorski


About Crestview street sign name changes…

I sure hope they are coordinating this with 911 and County GIS systems.

Silvia Clem Womack

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Title IX column resonates, how is a raise possible?