Northwood Arts and Science Academy — Jessica Stabile and Crystal Daniels' classes

Dear Santa, I hope you are having a good time I was wondering if you can get me three things for Christmas. I want a basket for my bike, a my life doll with asesories and a youtube account.

Ariana M.

Dear Santa I want a game I want a game I like. I like gifts from you.

Fisher R.

Dear Santa I want a tablit for crismis and a frind for chismis and a specul santa for crismis and a specil toy for crismis and pladow for crismis love you santa. Love Shae I love you see you sone.

Shae W.

Dear Santa, I hope I been good here are some things I want for Christemst. Skatbrod, talascop, ipod, mincraf poster, new sines book. Those are somethings for cristemst. Love

Braydon C.

Dear Santa what I want for crismis is a new chaptr book and I would like a New amarican girl doll with black hair and I would like some Pokemon gx cards.

Love Lily H.

Dear Santa, Thank you for all you have given me. I have wanted to get a Charizard GX box full for Christmas. I have you have time to get it to me! Sencerily,

Mason R

Dear Santa, Hi my name is Aiden I want a durt bike for crismis I will make sum cases for you snata. I want a hiper drift dran and a huog lego st. I want a lote of pocemon cards sun and moon.

From Aiden C.

Dear Santa. Hi my name is Lindesy I can make some cake for ya. I want a bike I want a watch. Love,

Lindsey T

Dear Santa, can I have a drone for crismis? Can I have a toy of you. Can I have a lightsaver the color is blue. Can I have a remote controlled car?

by Gabriel H

Dear Santa, Hi and Marey crismis I would like a pokemon book and a monster high book.

Haley M.

Dear Santa, Hi I want a flute. The next thing I want is a unicorn for cristmas. After that I want an Allycorn they are unicorns with wings. This is all the stuff I want for cristmas. Love Kamryn K.

Dear Santa, Hi my name is Adrianna B. I would like for Chismis is a phone and a other dog for my dog so he want be lonely and a real horse I also want a tablet for chismis. Thanks Santa for reading this!

Anna B.

Dear Santa, I hope you can get these things for me on Crismis I want a laptop and dongl for crismis.

By Landon D.

Dear Santa I want a tablet. I want some amerkin girl doll stuff. and I want a cas for my tablet. and I want a litt bunck bed for my boll to sleep on.

Addison C.

Dear Santa, Hi can you give these toys? I want a basketball. I want a stuffed animal. I want a toy car. Plesae five me the toys Santa.

From Santino G.

Dear Santu I want a baby wile husky and a horse and a wold for krismas. ritten by Dustin and I wish you a hape krismis

Dustin E.

Dear Santa, Hi for crismas I want a pet fish. I was a good kid this crismis. What kind of cookies do you like? Have a good holiday! From Tristen

Dear Santa I hope you are good. Can I have a drone, figit spiner, and little moter sicl.

From Bryce S. to Santa

Dear Satne I want a batty car and a place car and a batty motercyle. Love Thomas G.

Dear Sana I’m going to tell you what I want for Chrsmes I will like a sniper nerf gun and a rainbow figit spiner and a watch that has games on it and new headphones and a new bike. That’s what I will like for Chirmas by Gunnar P.

Dear Santa Klos how are you. do you know whate I want for crismes is some close for dolls and some dolls shoose. by Zoey B.

Dear Santa May you please get me a baby alive doll and a new phone some new shoes and a hoverboard. Love, Corionna J.

Dear Santa, I really want a lego ninjago laid with the green mech. I also want a freddy plush. Last I want dinosore slippers.

Oliver J.

Dear Santa I wont a moder bike, a watch that plays youtube, and a zobe game with a face. Santa you are the best.

Timothy J.

Dear Santa, how is your years going? My years is going good. It is funny how my birthday is close to Christmas. By the way all I want for Christmas is money. From Trinity Y.

Santa I wnt a iphone, a computer and pokemon moon and pokemon sun a mouse for the cool meter. and pokemon alpha valeid and a little stuffed animal. From Raiden P.

Dear Santa, This year I would like a horse as always. I would also like a radio, a kitten, a piglet, a baby chawawa, and a barn for my horse to go in. I would also like the series of "I survived" books.

Bernadette H.

Dear Sante I would like for Chamas a hachable and a black hoverborud and a baby alive and a puppy and a cat and a bird and a new friend. Love, Skyla A.

Dear sante I will like an ipad for chrimas and I will like a puzzle for chrimas too. I will like a purse too. Thank you Sante. Love,

Shaun W.

How are you santa I hope you are good. 2. I really want a hachalmal! I am dieing for one! 2. Do you like my cookies I hope you do? 3. Do ou know that you are nice to me. I love you santa! I hope you love me too.

Laila P.

Dear Santa how are you doing? Santa may you please give me a new small football please and give me an xbox 1 please and a game to go with it and call of duty and a new bike and a new toy.

Jayden H.

Dear Santa, How have you been? Thees are somethings I want for Chrismas. A fingerling, a fur live a kid’s fitbit and the last Harry Potter book. Those are all the things I want. From Sarah P

Dear Satae, I want a PS4, a big desk a iPhone 10 smart tv a book cube and a name tage. Thanks Santa

Eli P.

Dear Santa, I want a phone a fingerling, and barbies.

Bella M.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Northwood Arts and Science Academy — Jessica Stabile and Crystal Daniels' classes