FROM THE PULPIT: Let God be in control

Look around. It seems as though the world continues to spin out of control. There is rioting, war, famine, illness, greed, gluttony, bickering, distrust — the list goes on.

A great deal of inhumanity is foisted on fellow human beings. Emotions run deep, and explode in anger and hatred.

What causes people to be so self-indulgent and self-righteous that they believe they are correct and everyone else is wrong; or that they are entitled to whatever they desire; or that when they don’t get their way they can throw a temper tantrum?

It comes down to not paying attention to God or acknowledging God as the creator of life. It's unwillingness to surrender selfish desires and the need for control.

Let's acknowledge what The Bible says in Isaiah: Chapter 64, verse 8: “O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

When you say this, you acknowledge God is your creator. You ask God to make you pliable in his hands. You ask God to shape you and mold you into what He intends for you to become.

God responds with open arms and a gentle spirit. He proved this when he came to Earth in Jesus Christ.

When our lives are focused on God, he treats us like sons and daughters. In Jesus Christ we are sisters and brothers. We are called to care for one another as he cares for us. The color of one’s skin matters not. Economic standing matters not. Religious upbringing matters not. National origin matters not.

As Christmas approaches, ask yourself: Are you paying attention to God? Or are you paying attention to the ways of the world? Remember, God came to Earth in Jesus to save us from the ways of the world, not to encourage us to wallow in them.

How will you prepare yourself?

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview’s pastor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: FROM THE PULPIT: Let God be in control