CHECK IT OUT: Communicate with relatives, business associates worldwide with Skype

Did you know the Crestview Public Library has a Skype computer for customer use?

Skype allows users to speak with friends and family over the Internet. You can phone other users who have Skype at no charge, and you can make conference calls including up to 25 people.

Imagine the possibilities!

Have a job interview out of the area? Why not request a video interview and use our Skype computer.

Keep in touch with your spouse or relatives overseas with a click of the video button on Skype's website. The software is easy to use; just create a password and know the phone number of the person you want to contact.

To access the library's Skype website, present your library card at the front circulation desk and ask to use the Skype computer.

We'll loan you a laptop computer and show you to a private tutor room, where you can access the webpage and begin your communication.

Jean Lewis is the Crestview Public Library's director.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHECK IT OUT: Communicate with relatives, business associates worldwide with Skype