Protestant Women of the Chapel help 7SFG(A) spouses through life's challenges

Some of the 7th Special Forces Protestant Women of the Chapel board members serve refreshments during their Movie on the Lawn event. From left are Shelly Serrano, president; Bethany Diedrich, in-reach/outreach; Jessica Cieslak, administrative assistant; Kathy Ramey, praise and worship; Clarissa Gonzalez, hospitality; Veronica Smith, programs; and Allie Foster, publicity.

CRESTVIEW — Shelly Serrano knows what it’s like to be a military mom and spouse, and she uses that experience to help Army spouses facing the same challenges.

As president of the Protestant Women of the Chapel's 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) chapter, she’s able to share the same support and comfort she’s found in the organization.

“I had four children all under the age of 6 and my husband was about to be deployed,” Serrano said. “I joined PWOC just to get support from the other women. Just to build that bond with other women is a tremendous tool that God has used in my life.”

The summer opening of a PWOC chapter at the 7th Special Forces Group cantonment brings a resource to local Army families that is already available on most other Army bases.

Working with chaplains at the cantonment’s Liberty Chapel, Serrano and her group offer outreach and in-reach programs, including social events, Bible studies and spiritual and emotional support, especially for group wives whose husbands are deployed.


The new chapter has about 30 members, but it has already made an impact with well-attended August outreach programs, Serrano said.

Events have included a Movie on the Lawn night, a Prayer Walk in Crestview’s Twin Hills Park, and a barbecue lunch fundraiser.

“A member of our board’s husband loves to cook,” Serrano said. “We had Mexican beans and rice and his barbecue chicken, and we raised almost $1,000 that day.”

Though the organization’s name says “Protestant,” Serrano said PWOC is open to Army spouses of any faith.

“It’s all the different Christian denominations coming together, breaking down barriers, learning about the Bible and loving each other” Serrano said.

“No judgments are made. Our (PWOC) leadership team simply loves on these women,” battalion chaplain Capt. Kevin Mucher said. “They listen to their stories, offer a shoulder to cry on and provide biblical counsel when invited.

“It is especially rewarding when women come in broken, upset, confused and depart refreshed, revived and restored.”


PWOC centers on its guiding goals: “To lead women to Christ; To teach women God’s Word; To develop women’s spiritual gifts; (and) to involve women in chapel ministries.”

“That’s what it’s all about,” Serrano said.

Outreach programs include hosting social functions and family events, child sitting, and matching “buddies” with newly arrived Army spouses.

In-reach includes PWOC “secret sisters” who surprise each other with anonymous gifts. Members provide Thanksgiving food for needy Army families and bake cookies for deployed soldiers.

Meetings include presentations by Army support groups, advice on finding services and assistance, and social events including meals and games.Free childcare is always provided to allow spouses undistracted time with other women.

“Women who attend our weekly Christ-centered studies receive more than theology, doctrine and religious application,” Mucher said. “They receive much needed fellowship and adult conversation with women from our staff who are trained and gifted to provide pastoral care, counsel and authentic friendships.”


For the fall semester, regular Bible study days will begin with a devotional before the women split into groups that delve into faith-based parenting, studying David Platt’s book “Radical,” or a study of the book of Philippians.

“For most of these ladies, PWOC is the highlight for the week and has served as a critical support system to assist them in enduring through deployments and navigating motherhood and military life,” Mucher said.

Serrano said this year’s PWOC theme, “Loving Others Like Christ,” drawn from Ephesians 4:32-5:2, perfectly expresses the organization’s goals: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.

"Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love.”

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Protestant Women of the Chapel help 7SFG(A) spouses through life's challenges