Harvest Supper message: Thanksgiving is all year long

Nikki McVay — with Owen Kerwin, 6 — and her daughter, Micah McVay — with Owen’s brother, Grant, 7 months — attended the Laurel Hill Harvest Supper on Wednesday at First Baptist Church.

LAUREL HILL — Thanksgiving isn’t the only time people should give thanks.

So said the Rev. Mark McClard, whose South Ebenezer Baptist Church hosted this year's Laurel Hill Harvest Supper.

“Christians, among all people, should count their blessings all year long,” he said Wednesday at First Baptist Church.

More than 125 residents fed their stomachs and their souls during the event, which annually serves Southern church cookin'.

During the fellowship period before the meal, the congregation sang “We Gather Together” and “Count Your Blessings,” two traditional Thanksgiving hymns.

The congregational sing was followed by a performance by Micah and Garret McVay, grandchildren of the Rev. Mike McVay, First Baptist Church's psator.

Magnolia Baptist Church, Ebenezer Baptist Church and Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church also were represented at the supper.

“We love our fellow churches, no matter what denomination they are,” McClard said.

After the Rev. Bob Smith of Magnolia Baptist offered the blessing, McClard bid the congregation to the long buffet table.

“Feasting is proper,” he said. “There’s a number of feasts in the Word of God. We’ll feast together here, and we’ll feast together in Heaven.”

“Amen!” the crowd said.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Harvest Supper message: Thanksgiving is all year long