Crestview officials opt out of attending Gaetz town hall meeting

CRESTVIEW — Four City Council members and Mayor David Cadle will not attend Rep. Matt Gaetz's Sept. 30 town hall meeting on government accountability.

Gaetz, R-Fort Walton Beach, recently established the Okaloosa Accountability Initiative, which creates partnerships among local elected officials. The effort includes a series of five public meetings, beginning Tuesday; creating a community-driven agenda; and setting up a website where residents can share ideas.

City attorney Jerry Miller cautioned the council about a potential sunshine law violation. He suggested that city leaders appoint a representative to attend the meeting.

“I don’t think that it's a problem that someone would go and at least demonstrate that you’re interested in hearing what it is that they have to say,” Councilwoman Robyn Helt said during Monday's city council meeting. “I don’t see the harm in sending someone. I just didn’t want everyone (on the city council) to show up and subject themselves to the sunshine issue.” 

Councilman Joe Blocker also wasn’t opposed to sending a representative.

However, he said, “I don’t think a council member should attend that meeting, period."

Still, city leaders did not formally appoint a representative.

Blocker, Helt and Council President Shannon Hayes were the only council members present for the meeting. Thomas Gordon and Mickey Rytman were absent.

On Thursday, Rytman offered no immediate response about attending Gaetz's meeting, but Gordon said he would be unable to attend after returning from an out-of-state trip next week.

Mayor David Cadle said he can't attend Gaetz's meeting because he will be out of town.  

Barbara Petersen, president of the First Amendment Foundation in Tallahassee, stated in an email that Florida's open meetings law applies to discussion of public business between two or more members of the same board or council.   

With sufficient notice to the public, Crestview council members could attend and participate in the meeting, she said.

"So the members of the city council could certainly attend the town hall meeting, but should refrain from participating or talking among themselves — that could be a sunshine violation." she stated.

Okaloosa County Sheriff Larry Ashley, Elections Supervisor Paul Lux, Okaloosa Schools Superintendant Mary Beth Jackson and Commissioners-Elect Carolyn Ketchel and Trey Goodwin are among those scheduled to attend Gaetz's meeting, which is 5:30-7 p.m. Sept. 30 at Niceville City Hall.

Elected officials from Fort Walton Beach, Mary Esther and Valparaiso reportedly will join them.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview officials opt out of attending Gaetz town hall meeting