HUBBUB: Suggestions for the YMCA, While at Crestview's Homecoming Parade…

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


What's your suggestion for the YMCA?

•How 'bout the city of Crestview think outside the box and do something for the community and buy that place? It would be another facility for the city to use. While they're at it, buy the ball fields out in Garden City and put some … money into the parks and rec(reation) programs! (Jeff Fowler)

•Instead of day classes, do evening classes for adults. Compete with the gym on Highway 85 South for monthly fees. It is about competition and meeting today's recession costs. (Michelle Cook)

•The YMCA is awesome. I didn't know much about it until I happened to run into it. The problem is it's not advertised much. The community needs to know what the YMCA has to offer. (Maria Ofran)


Here's a plan for speeding

License tag photos…and a written record. Speeding tickets are an extremely time-consuming single traffic stop, with zero guarantee that speeding will end on the named road.

A huge sign saying this is a child-friendly street, with double fines for speeding while children are present (a take on the construction working zone signs), might help as well.

John King Road is 25 miles per hour, and no passing all the way down. Most local drivers slow down for buses, children, walkers and stray animals.

Other drivers need visual reminders to keep their speed down.

Bonny Moxcey Crews


Breast cancer coverage appreciated

We were surprised to see this article in the paper. Tim and I feel that we can play an important role in spreading awareness about the importance of breast cancer research.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds.

While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same.

Let's make a difference. Let's spread the word about breast cancer.

Pamela Brown Grandberry


Athletes aren't automatic role models

This idea that athletes have to be held to a higher standard is silly… how 'bout athletes just be held to the same standard we expect everyone else to live by: don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal and treat people with respect?

I am the current head wrestling coach at Niceville and have been coaching at the high school level in Florida and Maryland for over 30 years now, and I never have expected my wrestlers or even my captains to go about life differently just because they were on the team.

To be successful, they had to exhibit the qualities I listed above and get decent or better grades … just like everyone else; and when they didn't, there were consequences just like with everyone else.

… Instead of always placing role model status on the people in the spotlight, how 'bout we place the spotlight on the people that should always be considered the role models for our kids: parents first (as parents we should be living our lives in such a way that our children want to grow up to be like us … different from us but like us), teachers, police, clergy and maybe a few others!

Jeff Fowler


While at Crestview's Homecoming Parade…

I was able to stop and speak to Drew (Barefield) and his family. What an inspiration he is. With tears in my eyes, I was thankful to see him doing well. I (had) never met them personally but they have been in my thoughts and prayers…

Crystal Hewett Newton


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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Suggestions for the YMCA, While at Crestview's Homecoming Parade…