FROM THE PULPIT: Transition, hope come with spring

For some people, winters of life offer little hope or anticipation for a future that holds anything good. When all seems bleak, it is hard to imagine anything good can come.

But spring reminds us of new life, hope and anticipation. In the days ahead, we will observe the budding of trees, blooming of flowers, and greening and growing of grass.

Often, for transitions to take place in our lives, we must go through challenging situations. To transition from a bleak period when all seems lost, we must struggle with feelings and emotions that we would rather leave alone.

This Lent, let's reflect on why God chose to come to us in Jesus Christ. He came because of the sinful nature we carry in our hearts, and the need for our sin to be wiped clean.

 Deep personal reflection is like storms that come with the transition between winter and spring. Memories of past sins, missed opportunities, past aches and pains foisted upon innocent victims or on us come to the surface. Most would rather avoid the pain of going through this period of reflection, believing ignorance is bliss.

Yet, it is only by going through deep reflection and acknowledging past mistakes that one can have those sins knocked free and then be filled with the Living Water of Jesus Christ.

My friends, let this Lenten season bring you freedom from the pressure of the sins and mistakes. Our God wants nothing more than to wash you clean and hold you in his embrace. This he proved in Jesus Christ.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview’s pastor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: FROM THE PULPIT: Transition, hope come with spring