FROM THE PULPIT: This Advent, cut back on the parties

Advent is a season of preparation — preparing one’s heart, mind and soul for the coming of our Lord.

Between now and Dec. 25, Christians look forward by remembering the past.

In this season, we prepare to celebrate Jesus Christ's birth as foretold by the prophets. Along with John the Baptist, we look forward to the life and ministry Jesus will bring. And with great expectation, we watch for our Lord’s second coming at a time and place of God’s choosing.

Too frequently, however, this season's spiritual expectations get grossly overshadowed by its social expectations. Too many parties. Too many places to go. Too much shopping. Too much, well, you name it.

My suggestion? Cut back on the myriad events and occasions society expects. Use that time to focus on preparing your heart, mind and soul on this time's spiritual nature.

You see, Christmas is about God coming to Earth in Jesus Christ. That is the ultimate gift in life. All else is secondary.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview’s pastor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: FROM THE PULPIT: This Advent, cut back on the parties