Preparation for life's storms is essential

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview. [FILE PHOTOS | NEWS BULLETIN]

As I write this article, storm clouds have gathered and the weather predictors are calling for snow (!) in the western end of the panhandle by the weekend. 

When I heard this news I said to myself, "But this is Florida! It’s not supposed to snow in Florida!"

Well, it has in the past and probably will again at some point. Just because "it isn’t supposed to," does not mean it won’t happen.

There are many things that are certain in this life. Change is one. A new day dawning every time the sun rises for another. And storms will come.

And not just weather storms. I’m referring to personal storms that threaten various aspects of our lives. Just because we hope they won’t happen, or just because we don’t want them to, does not mean they will not come our way.

If you take steps now to guard your heart and mind, and prepare for the eventuality, you will weather any difficulty and challenge with aplomb and grace. That preparation is best found by surrounding yourself with the knowledge of the presence of God, Jesus Christ, and God’s Holy Spirit in your life.

Preparation is essential! The Bible talks about it on numerous occasions. We are to prepare the way for our Lord’s coming. We are to prepare our minds and hearts to hear his word and write it on our hearts. We are to prepare for our Lord’s return. We are to prepare for life’s unexpected happenings.

When we are prepared, we are ready, completely, for whatever may come our way. We can accept that God knows what is going on and what is best — even when we don’t understand. 

Being prepared means being able and willing to trust God in every circumstance.

God doesn’t will for the storms in our lives. They happen because of choices we or others make. They happen because of genetic mix-ups or diseases. They happen because for any variety of reasons.

Put your trust in God to see you through. God has promised to do so. And God is good to his word.

A pie-in-the-sky point of view? 

No. Realistic.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

"If you take steps now to guard your heart and mind, and prepare for the eventuality, you will weather any difficulty and challenge with aplomb and grace."

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Preparation for life's storms is essential