Crestview mayor, councilman teach Antioch students about local government

Crestview Mayor David Cadle, right, answers questions from third-grade students at Antioch Elementary School on Monday. Councilman Thomas Gordon joined him in explaining how city government operates.

CRESTVIEW — Antioch Elementary School third-graders understand city government a little better thanks to two expert guest speakers.

Crestview Mayor David Cadle and Councilman Thomas Gordon visited the class Monday morning to talk about their responsibilities as city officials and answer students' questions.

 “I learned that there are five people on city council,” said 9-year-old Makayla Cloutier. “You (need to) be at least 18 years old (and a Crestview resident) to be mayor and serve on the council.”

Emily Cypret, 9, said she learned what to do if she wants a stop sign installed along roadways.

“You need to meet with the city council and see if you could get the stop sign put up,” she said. 

 Daniel Kraus said he learned how city officials help improve the country.

“They help make laws to help make us a better country,” he said.

The students had "pretty good questions for third-graders," Gordon said. 

When asked if he enjoys serving on the city council, Gordon said he enjoys public service, although he must make difficult decisions involving his constituents.

“For the most part, what I do is fun,” he told students.

“The city council has a real tough job,” Cadle told students, referring to the votes they must take on heavily debated issues. 

Cadle said he is thankful that he does not have to vote on such issues.

As part of his responsibilities as mayor, Cadle said he ensures all city departments — includingpublic works, police and fire departments, among others — effectively serve residents' needs.

Students recently learned how federal and state governments work, Teacher Michelle Simmons said.  

Cadle and Gordon's visits helped them understand how city government works, she said.

They did more than that for Makayla, who said she would be interested in possibly serving as a city official when she grows up.

“You could help people with what they want,” she said.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview mayor, councilman teach Antioch students about local government