North Okaloosa residents among LBW honor students

The following North Okaloosa residents earned spring semester academic honors at Lurleen B. Wallace Community College:

President’s list:

• William Logan Nixon, Baker

• Justin Ryan Copeland, Nicholas Paul Marcotte and Kelley Brooke Moss, Crestview

Dean’s list:

• Rodger Brandon Ates, Brian Alexander Benoit and Jesse Hart Lawhon, Baker

• Amanda Nichole Bailey, Crestview

• Christopher John McQuaig and Tanner James McQuaig, Laurel Hill

Full-time students who post a 3.5-3.99 (B+) grade point average qualify for the dean’s list; those who post a 4.0 (A) grade point average qualify for the president’s list.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: North Okaloosa residents among LBW honor students