FCAT math scores increase, reading scores flat

Writing proficiency has improved significantly among Okaloosa County’s middle school and high school students, according to results from the 2014 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.

The state Department of Education on Friday released writing scores for the fourth, eighth and 10th grades as well as reading and math scores for the third grade.

Okaloosa fourth-graders struggled with the standardized writing test; the percentage of students who passed dropped by 8 percentage points, falling to 45 percent this year from 53 percent in 2013. That 45-percent passing rate also falls below the statewide passing average of 53 percent.

In the third grade, the district made the most progress in math, with the percentage of students passing increasing by 3 percentage points, to 64 percent from 61 percent in 2013.

Third-grade reading scores remained flat, but Okaloosa increased its standing to 10th statewide from 17th in 2013.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: FCAT math scores increase, reading scores flat