3 Shaw scholarships available; Niceville hearing specialist's donation bumps fund over

Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Committee chairwoman Pam Meadows receives a $1,578.52 check from chamber Wine Gala Committee chairwoman Crystal Boyles April 3.

CRESTVIEW — Not one, not two, but three high school seniors graduating this year from Baker, Crestview High and Laurel Hill schools will have the chance to earn a Foy Shaw Scholarship from the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce.

A $1,578.52 check, representing proceeds from the 2013 Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce Wine Gala, pushed the chamber's scholarship fund within $273 needed to offer three $1,000 scholarships this year.

It didn't take long to reach the goal.

Within moments of Wine Gala chairwoman Crystal Boyles presenting an oversized check to scholarship chairwoman Pam Meadows during the April 3 chamber breakfast, Grant Williams of the Niceville Hearing Center offered to make up the balance.

His $300 check, and other donations, boosted the scholarship fund over the hoped for $3,000, chamber office manager Valerie Lott said.

"They have a $680 start on next year," Lott said.

Recipients can apply the money toward tuition at the college or vocational institute of their choice, Meadows said.

Monday was the application deadline for this year's scholarships.

The committee received 16 applications as of press time.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 3 Shaw scholarships available; Niceville hearing specialist's donation bumps fund over