CRESTVIEW — Crestview High School 2013 alumnus Alex Andrews just can't seem to stay away from his alma mater. In addition to being an occasional substitute teacher, he is a high school drop-in for Northwest Florida State College's RaiderReps student ambassador program.
Alex, recently named RaiderRep rookie of the year, represents the college well, college recruiter Maddie Ostrowski said.
"He's just really stepped up to be a student leader," she said. "He's really taken the initiative and he's even gone out and arranged for the ambassadors to speak to different leadership classes at the high schools."
That meant setting up 10 high school interviews in Okaloosa and Walton counties, Alex said.
RaiderReps must maintain a 3.0 GPA as a degree-seeking student and must serve a minimum 15 hours per semester as a college student ambassador, but the CHS alumnus surpassed that.
"Alex did 25 hours in his first semester," Ostrowski said. "He is a go-getter. He is the kind of student I'm looking for."
Ambassador corps
"Our main two jobs are to represent the college and to recruit new students to Northwest Florida State, and hopefully get some new ambassadors in the meantime," Alex said.
In their red polo shirts or, more formally, red blazers, RaiderReps host and usher at campus events, give tours to prospective students or other visitors, and represent the school at college fairs.
As chairman of the program's recruitment committee, Alex's plans for the next school year include ensuring every Okaloosa and Walton high school is represented on the RaiderReps corps.
RaiderReps receive a $250 scholarship each semester and must serve at least one school year, although a two-year stint as a student ambassador is preferred.
"The best salespeople for the school are the students who go here," Ostrowski said. "They're the ones who live it."
Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: High school drop-in: CHS alumnus named RaiderRep rookie of the year