Holt residents support beloved teacher's grandson who has cancer

Angie Pinkerton, far right, and her husband, Andy, appear with the Long family in a recent family photo. Holt Academy, Pinkerton’s former employer, recently donated more than $1,600 to aid her grandson, Jaxon, in his fight against acute lymphocytic leukemia. From the left are Jimmy Long, holding baby Sawyer and Tiffany holding Jaxon.

HOLT — So far, the Jaxon Long Leukemia Fund on GiveForward.com has accumulated more than $2,600.

And Holt Academy staff and parents have raised $1,600 on top of that by selling candy bars.

It all benefits former school employee Angie Pinkerton's 2-year-old grandson, who was diagnosed in May with acute lymphocytic leukemia diagnosis.

Pinkerton, the academy's former lead teacher for 2-year-olds, and her husband, Andy, moved to Ringgold, Ga., earlier this year to assist her daughter, Tiffany Long's, family of four.

Academy co-owner Jennifer Derrick said she and others were inspired to help Pinkerton, who was considered a valuable employee during her five years at the academy.

“She is just amazing with kids … the parents and children just loved her,” Derrick said. “She treated the kids like they were her own … we hated to lose her.”

Besides, Derrick, who's had no traces of cancer for four years, knows the high cost of cancer treatments and medications.

“Cancer is not cheap,” she said. “I really wanted to do something to help (Jaxon).”

Prior to Jaxon’s diagnosis, Derrick said the academy was planning to use the World’s Finest Chocolate candy bar fundraiser to purchase supplies.

However, the staff decided to donate the proceeds to Pinkerton’s family instead.

Pinkerton said she was “surprised” and “overjoyed” when she learned about the decision.

“We are all just so thankful,” she said. “I miss them all so much.”    

Jaxon is doing well after receiving medical treatments at a children’s hospital in Chattanooga, Tenn., Pinkerton said. 

“(Doctors) said his progress is good right now,” she said. “He is right where he needs to be.”


Visit http://bit.ly/1odrvAd to support Jaxon Long and his family

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Holt residents support beloved teacher's grandson who has cancer