CHECK IT OUT: Master storyteller coming to Crestview library May 27

I've heard that “story is the language of the heart.” As a lover of a good story, that resonated with me.

Isn’t it true?

All over the world there are masters at crafting the written or spoken word. Some are told in person to an eager audience of family and friends. Some are told from a television or movie screen to an eager audience of thousands.

You may experience the pleasure of a good story in a book or movie on a regular basis, but on Tuesday, May 27, you can spice things up by listening to a master storyteller in person.

Phillip Sekou Glass will begin weaving his stories at 6:30 p.m. and will wrap them up around 7:15 p.m. at the Crestview Public Library.

This free event is an excellent chance to introduce your children — even as young as age 4 — to the art of storytelling. Of course, adults are also welcome. Registration is not required.

This program is made possible by the generosity of our Friends and an anonymous donor. We’d like to thank Cub Scout Pack 799, Webelo Den 11 and Wolf Den 4 and our Friends for providing light refreshments!

If you’d also like to financially support quality family programming for our area or have any questions, please call 682-4432.

Regardless of whether you can give financially at this time, know that your attendance communicates to the state of Florida and other supporters how much you value this kind of programming.

Heather Nitzel is the Crestview Public Library's youth services librarian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHECK IT OUT: Master storyteller coming to Crestview library May 27