HUBBUB: 'Warning shot' bill on the mark, city should market more

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'Warning shot' bill is on the mark

I want a person to know I am armed before I have to use (a gun). There are signs up at my home warning people I will not hesitate to protect my family and myself.

Shirl Griffin Long

Disagree with letter to the editor

The simpler solution to having citizens call businesses and beg them to move into a city that does not want to grow or provide services for the community that does want them is to call the people (who) all but prevent these businesses from moving in when an interest is shown and start going after their jobs.

Jamie Chandler

City should market to businesses

The city can make Crestview more appealing to businesses by making it easier to set up shop and accommodate them. The city just got a fat check from the power company. Use that to bring in businesses!

Scott Zamorski

Hopes for new Shoal River Ranch owner

I hope he contacts E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center and allows them to relocate the endangered keystone species off before he starts pouring concrete.

Loree Arrington

Grave desecration a shame

It's a shame that there are people in society who have no regard or respect for the ones left to remember and mourn our loved ones after they have gone on to be with our Heavenly Father.

I hurt for my friend Jolene Patterson, who is a beautiful, loving, strong woman who I'm confident will lean on her unwavering faith in God to comfort her at this time.

Melanie Mathis

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: 'Warning shot' bill on the mark, city should market more