Crestview Photo Club celebrates first year, installs new officers

The Crestview Photo Club's new board members include Elaine Lowry, Clark Barrows, Terry Maloney, Lena Dietiker, Steve Maloney, Jim Wright and Mark Bean and Bryan Hughes.

CRESTVIEW — Sandy Connors has learned different shooting techniques, how camera angles affect composition and she's picked up some photo editing skills.

She credits the extra knowledge to attending Crestview Photo Club meetings, which monthly attract 30 regulars to the Crestview Public Library.  

The club, which celebrated its first year on Monday, now has new officers. Taking over as club president is Terry Maloney, who co-founded the club with Mira Crisp.

Crisp, who's moving with family next month to Texas, said the 60-member group has “surpassed expectations."

“I just thought we would have around a dozen people interested in photography,” she said.

But the learn-as-you-go approach attracted novices like Connors.

“There is such a wide range of skill (here),” she said. “You don’t have to be an expert on photography.”

Crisp said she will miss those shutterbugs, and hopes the club continues to prosper.

Maloney plans to expose members to new photo challenges, inviting guest speakers and taking more group photography trips.

“We are an enthusiasts club, not a professional club, so everything is about having fun,” she said.


WHAT: Crestview Photo Clubmeetings

WHEN: 6 p.m. second Mondays

WHERE: Crestview Public Library, 1445 Commerce Drive


Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Photo Club celebrates first year, installs new officers