HUBBUB: The only solution for traffic, dog's death isn't Walmart's fault

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


The only solution for traffic

The better idea would be to create a complete interchange bypass south of the Shoal River bridges at Rattlesnake Bluff and Colonel Greg Malloy Road. One bypassing Crestview to the east, and the other to the west connecting with Highway 90.

That way, over half the traffic will avoid the city entirely.

This would require two interstate overpasses (which can cost up to $100 million each) and would need approval from Eglin, as it would cut through reservation land.

But it really is the only real solution to the problem.

By 2040, self-driving vehicles will be commonplace and will help alleviate a lot of the traffic issues without the interchange.

Jonah Irvington


Traffic relief plan questioned

So you want to take the traffic from "there" and put it "there," on an already overworked road.

Yeah, that's a breakthrough.

Jon Bell


Horse situation could have been handled better

Disease or no disease, it doesn't take a medical degree to see that this animal was dying a slow death.

He should have been receiving supportive care for his condition or humanely euthanized.

Shame on everyone that let the poor animal get to the point that he was a walking bag of bones.

Deb Edwards


PETA's suggestion unrealistic

Signs in every spot telling you not to leave your pet in a hot car? Seriously?

Yeah, that's cost effective and realistic.

Debbie Bailey


Dog's death isn't Wal-Mart's fault

So PETA is basically saying it is Wal-Mart's fault this woman wandered around their store for 13 hours, of her own free will, leaving her dog in her personal vehicle to die in the heat.

I'm slightly confused.

Try being a responsible member of society.

Kristin Lehr Caro


Passersby should have notified police

I'm sure people who walked past the car saw the dog, and it would be alive still if people noticed and called and notified the PD.

Jocelyn C. Ramirez


Was the 13-hour trip necessary?

Who spends 13 hours in Wal-Mart if they don't have to?

Richard S. Singleton


License to own a pet?

Hey, PETA, go after the owner. This could have happened anywhere, regardless of what store they parked their car in front of.

Maybe people need to be qualified to own pets or children these days.

Cody Lawler


Parking lot walking troupes could help

It might be nice … if cops could do a walking patrol around some parking lots on their routes every so often; save a kid or a dog. Or maybe some volunteer groups could get in on this.

DeeAnna Frazier

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: The only solution for traffic, dog's death isn't Walmart's fault