Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and crestviewbulletin.com and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.
About the battle over Exodos Ministries
The more brothers and sisters fight at the cross, the stronger Satan grows in our community. Maybe we should take all disputes between believers public and embarrass everyone!
Nah, that's not based off scripture.
…Perhaps we should approach our fellow believers with love and have a conversation and pray with them; voice concerns and have answers before the community gets riled up with, I quote, "furor" over the unknowing, having neighbors and families facing a schism.
Perhaps that should have been the route.
…Scripture should have been read before signs popped up (1 Corinthians chapter 12).
With what our fellow brothers and sisters are facing in foreign lands, the persecution at their doors, the silencing of our voices at home in the states; our believers here in Baker find time to put on the armor of God to wage war with fellow believers.
Perhaps Baker needs a revival!
James Bishop
Loving humanity
I'm struggling to find evidence of genuine Christianity here. Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:30-31).
What do you think He meant?
I hope those claiming Jesus as Lord would examine their hearts and their motives in this matter. Genuine Christians focus on extending love to the least, the last and the lost; not on worldly things.
I pray those involved look past themselves, and seek God's desire in this matter. This conflict does not honor the Lord our God.
Kurt Burgess
Why let racial tensions affect us?
Is this for real? Most of these people have lived here all their lives and known everyone around for years and years.
Why are we letting tensions that have nothing to do with us affect us in such a destructive way?
Chances are, if someone doesn't want you around, it's got nothing to do with the color of your skin!
Krista Gray Ladner
Many reasons besides racism
While there are plenty of acts of racism that still happen, it is not always the reason. Sometimes you're (not someone's favorite person) and just happen to be a minority!
Erin Leigh Henderson
Tired of this narrative
It's like the kid who cried wolf. America is so exhausted with this played out narrative.
David Key-Harriss
Longest part of drive home is in town
I have been stationed here now for four years, and the traffic has just gotten out of hand. I drive from Hulburt Field but the longest part of my drive home is sitting in traffic in Crestview. (Weird, huh?)
…I knew I should have moved to Niceville.
Dennis Luczak
Don't name Baker's gym after someone
It should be left as is. All the coaches have made an impact on the school and community.
It's a small town with a lot of great influences in the athletic programs. No one person should be singled out.
Dana DuBose Phillips
A household safety tip
Please, if you have not cleaned the outside vent and inside of your dryer, please do so today. My repairman said never leave your dryer on when you leave the house.
Shirl Griffin Long
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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: About the battle over Exodos Ministries; why let racial tensions affect us?