Disney's 'Frozen' inspires local Girl Scouts to help local flood victims

Led by Brownie Tessa Campbell, Troop 676 Girl Scouts, with their mothers and siblings, deliver collected clothing, blankets and toiletries donations to Waterfront Mission recently.

CRESTVIEW — The plight of a fictional snowbound Scandinavian kingdom inspired a local Girl Scouts troop to assist residents affected by regional springtime floods.

The Waterfront Rescue Mission now has a bin of blankets, clothing and personal hygiene products to provide residents thanks to Crestview Troop 676 members.

Four of the troop’s Brownies spearheaded the project, parent troop leader Amanda Converse said.

“The idea came from ‘Frozen,’” she said, referring to the 2013 Disney film. “In the movie, the town got frozen over and people needed blankets. Our girls realized that flood victims in our own town might need help, too.”

Brownie Tessa Campbell, 8, placed calls to several local charities, and determined that the South Ferdon Boulevard thrift store needed donations the most, Converse said.

Brownie Kaylee Gjesdal, 7, created a flier to solicit donations while Brownie Genesis Jimenez-Chavez, 7, arranged a drop-off location at St. Mark United Methodist Church.

With the aid of older Girl Scouts and younger Daisies — girls who will advance to Brownie next year — bag after bag of donated materials tumbled into an oversized bin last week.

“They filled it up!” store manager Felicia Davis said. “I was so proud of them. It’s really great to have that community involvement.”

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Disney's 'Frozen' inspires local Girl Scouts to help local flood victims