CRESTVIEW — A language arts textbook's authors have recognized a Crestview High School senior for his feedback on their work.
Cody Prexl was surprised this week when he entered Janice Waitman's English IV classroom and found language arts coach Julia Smith waiting.
Smith had introduced renowned educators Kylene Beers and Robert Probst's "Notice and Note: Strategies for Close Reading" into Crestview High's curriculum last fall and solicited students' feedback.
Cody's contribution stated, "These strategies help me analyze stories in depth, so I can figure out what is important!"
His comment, along with reactions from a student in Arizona and one in Ohio, made the back cover of the "Literature Log" that accompanies "Notice and Note."
"We sure appreciate your comment," Beers wrote in an autographed copy of the log.
"Thank you for your help," Probst stated in his inscription.
Beers and Probst, whom Smith said are "big names in English education and reading," also inscribed a copy of the log for Waitman.
"I think it is neat that a quotation from a student in little ol' Crestview is in a book going out to kids all over this country and Canada," Smith said.
Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Authors recognize CHS student's feedback