HUBBUB: Praise for Crestview murder case's investigators, beyond campaign attack ads

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


Praise for Crestview murder case's investigators

Every time I drove by Ms. Melvin's home, seeing how Mother Nature was taking over the property, I wondered if the case would ever be solved.

Such a tragedy and waste of a life.

Thank goodness we had dedicated law enforcement determined to find the truth and solve the case.

Thank you for your hard work.

Shirley Perring


Antioch Road's potholes have been an issue

Antioch Road is horrible. People are constantly swerving into other lanes trying to avoid hitting holes that are going to blow their axles out of place. This has been an issue. I drive with three small children and am terrified to get hit by a car that's swerving to avoid these holes every time I leave my house.

Amanda Emily Ann Ducharme


What to do about road repairs

Everyone that wants change needs to flood the county roads supervisor with emails and letters stating their concern. I have emailed two times with no answer!

From storm damaged roads still not fixed — Oak Hill — to issues with Antioch — heavy traffic, pot holes — to S.R. 85 — inadequate turn lanes/lanes in general — we need changes!

Crestview keeps growing but no one is looking to upgrade the infrastructure.

Todd Lawrence


All local football teams need EvoShields

Excellent news that the Haugen Foundation has provided the Shoal River football players with their own customized EvoShields.

I hope all of the Okaloosa and Walton County Schools' football teams will apply for the grants to get the EvoShields for all of their players, too!

Jean Mitchell


Beyond campaign attack ads…

The sad thing, really, is there are real issues to be discussed. There are real decisions facing the county in the next few years that will have impact beyond our lifetimes. Our kids deserve better.

Loree Arrington


Here's another campaign pet peeve

One for me is putting campaign signs up in illegal areas. If you can't be bothered to ask someone's permission or find out who owns the land then you don't deserve to be in office.

Keith Prestridge


Proposed Hospital Drive service road needed

This has been needed for a long time. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't support it.

Silvia Clem Womack


Solution for smoker debate

The solution is simple. Charge the business owner a couple hundred bucks a year rent ….

Paul Jensen


Instead of focusing on the smoker…

I think the city should be focusing more of their efforts on other things with this city like improving roads and traffic issues. Also trying to get more businesses to set up in Crestview.

Scott Zamorski


Why give unincorporated residents a tax increase?

Yep, stick it to the rural residents to pay for what will mostly benefit the urban ones. That makes sense.

David Hall


Could current tax revenue fund repairs?

Why won't the current tax money supposedly saved pay for these road repairs? Why is the solution to always raise taxes? Where is the county reserve money?

What about state emergency funds everyone supposedly received to make repairs? I'm sorry but I don't agree with this one bit!

Melissa Kennedy-Shaffer


Praise for estate's K9s for Crestview donation

Thank you for such a generous donation to a cause Diane Gilbert would have loved.

Jan Nichols

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Praise for Crestview murder case's investigators, beyond campaign attack ads