No city tax increases for Laurel Hill residents

LAUREL HILL — No city tax increases are in store for Laurel Hill residents.

The city's 2015 fiscal budget, which the City Council approved 3-0 on Thursday, includes the current 3.5 millage rate.

Councilwoman Betty Williamson couldn't attend the final meeting due to a family matter.

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No public or council input was given regarding the proposed millage rate and city budget at either public meeting scheduled within the last two weeks. 

Like last year’s budget, both the city’s general and enterprise — or water department services — operating funds are balanced.

The general operating fund shows an income and expense of $839,024. The same fund for last year’s proposed budget was balanced at $247, 374. The substantial difference comes from the city’s recently acquired $600,000 grant from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, which is designated for road repairs.

The enterprise operating fund is balanced at $217,500. Last year’s budget was balanced at $217,400. The difference in the amount comes from a 5 to 6 percent increase in garbage administrative fees, City Clerk Nita Miller said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: No city tax increases for Laurel Hill residents