Crestview’s main road, accidents and traffic

Dear editor,

Lots of towns have [a] bypass — we do not. We do not have crosswalks everywhere they are needed or bike paths.

Our [main road] is a state route, 85. We need the road improved and a bypass. This is an issue to press with the state.

From Interstate 10 to Old Bethel Road / Airport Road, in the interim, make the speed 25 mph or less. Give all wheelchairs and pedestrians the right of way; then bicycles; then autos and trucks.

Add crosswalks painted on the pavement at every cross street. No "walk," "don’t walk" signs, just the walkway with signs into town saying pedestrians and non-motor vehicles have the right of way. No traffic lights,

but stop signs [and] clockwise turns to go.

The center lane not just turns but [also yields] right away for flashing light ambulances and police vehicles. Turning vehicles must move as well as pull to the side for normal lanes.

All traffic [must] stop when school buses stop to let out children — [that’s] the law.

Traffic will slow (that’s the price for living here) getting through town, [but] can’t possibly get slower during busy times.

All areas around schools need walking lanes!

We are not a tourist town, except [for] passers through in the season.

There are Florida towns known and advertised as speed traps. Some are on S.R. 301. If you speed, you get a ticket. There is a group of islands called Cedar Key, where the police have new latest vehicles every year. They ask for their budget from Levy County and always get it because they make it in tickets!

One mile over the limit, you are ticketed, even if you are a resident. They have a huge police force for the amount of permanent residents. Only the occasional hurricane is ever an issue.

I have lived on a Florida island with only one lane each way — no place to add a lane or park. People lived and worked and attended school there with these rules. Golf carts and electric small vehicles could be encouraged.

We have far too many accidents for a small community; if we aren’t that small, the state needs to upgrade the road like 331, where no one lives!

The businesses seem to see expansion as a negative; if the state needs to purchase your land it will, and you will have money to build out near the bypass or an exit.

The state of Florida has 85 on a schedule somewhere. We need a representative to speed it up.

For now, there are the options of slowing traffic and saving lives.



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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview’s main road, accidents and traffic