HOBO HOMEFRONT: Remembering Maudy

I once read this saying, "Life is meant to be lived — not feared, sold nor sweated. Fear not death. Fear the unlived life." It sticks in my mind as I mourn the loss of Maudy Carper, a long-time Laurel Hill resident.

Maudy, who died this past weekend, was a friend to many. But to me, she and her husband, Tom, the long-time love of her life, were "aunt and uncle." My family lived next door to them when I was growing up. They were classmates at Laurel Hill  School with my father and soon became close friends with my mother.

Then again, Maudy was friends with anybody. She would welcome you in — no matter when you dropped by — for a cold drink on a hot day or something hot to eat on a cold one. If you needed help or wanted to hang out, she was the first to volunteer. Maudy just loved people and was always surrounded by them.

Last year, Maudy began to have health problems. Through her frequent hospital stays and various treatments, Tom and her loving daughter, Kim, along with countless other family and friends, stood by her side.

This past year has been especially difficult as we watched her inch closer to time to leave us.

Now, she has joined other loved ones in heaven. Of course, we will greatly miss her, but we find comfort in knowing she's no longer hurting. Instead, she's watching over us from a better place.

And, as the saying said, she lived her life.

Amber Kelley lives in Laurel Hill. Send news, comments, or donations for Maudy Carper's family to Hobo.homefront@gmail.com or P.O. Box 163, Laurel Hill, FL, 32567.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HOBO HOMEFRONT: Remembering Maudy