PJ Adams widening on track, rest of bypass makes projects list

The Okaloosa-Walton Transportation Planning Organization’s draft fiscal year 2016-2020 project priorities map shows the P.J. Adams Parkway-Antioch Road corridor ranked third, fourth and fifth, with continuation of the corridor to Old Bethel Road ranked 35th.

CRESTVIEW — The initial two phases of the planned widening of P.J. Adams Parkway are on track, with construction work scheduled to begin in fiscal year 2015-16.

Further work on the P.J. Adams-Antioch Road corridor is also near the top of the Okaloosa-Walton Transportation Planning Organization project priorities list.

Committed projects in the Crestview area are two components of P.J. Adams Parkway widening, encompassing the first and second phases, which will widen the busy road to four lanes from State Road 85 to Ashley Drive/Villacrest Drive.

Brandi Whitehurst, public involvement coordinator for the OWTPO, said Project Development and Environment studies for the segments from Ashley Drive to Interstate 10 have also been completed.

Funding for right-of-way acquisition for those two phases is pending for fiscal year 2016-17.

Funding for construction of those phases, plus funding for design, right-of-way and construction of the final phase from I-10 to U.S. Highway 90 are not yet prioritized, according to a project priorities report provided by Whitehurst.

The final phase of the bypass — from U.S. 90 roughly following the Yellow River until meeting Old Bethel Road near Deer Valley Estates and continuing to S.R. 85 north of Crestview High School —  currently ranks 35th on the OWTPO’s project priorities report.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: PJ Adams widening on track, rest of bypass makes projects list