Business leader funds $100,000 teaching award, book sales cover first Shaw Scholarship for 2015

Paul Hsu — pictured accepting the key to the city from Mayor David Cadle — has established a program to reward innovative area science and mathematics teachers.

CRESTVIEW — Before he modestly accepted the key to the city from Mayor David Cadle, business leader Paul Hsu had already found another way to give back to the community he calls home.

Hsu, founder of the Crestview Technology Air Park and several regional defense and aerospace companies, has established a program to reward innovative area science and mathematics teachers. His gift establishes a foundation within the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce to award $5,000 to one science and one math teacher a year for at least 10 years.

“The man has a heart of gold,” Chamber President Dennis Mitchell said. “It blew me away when I heard about the program.”

Scholarships awarded

During Thursday's chamber of commerce breakfast meeting, Scholarship Committee Chairwoman Pam Meadows announced three $1,000 Foy Shaw Scholarship recipients.

“My dream was we could award one scholarship each to the three north county high schools, and we hit that goal,” Meadows said.

Thanks to Hsu, the scholarship fund has already received enough money to fund one scholarship for 2015.

After the breakfast, he autographed copies of his autobiography, “Guardians of the Dream,” for a $20 per book donation to the Foy Shaw Scholarship.

The breakfast sponsor, Community Bank, contributed $600 by purchasing a copy of the book for each of its employees.

Hsu, accepting the key to the city, said he was pleased to be able to enhance Crestview area education and business opportunities.

“I have worked and lived in Okaloosa County for 35 years,” Hsu said. “I have never lived longer anywhere else. I accept this award from my hometown.”

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes at, follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Business leader funds $100,000 teaching award, book sales cover first Shaw Scholarship for 2015